Tuesday 4 June 2013

D.I.Y Tumblr Magnets

D.I.Y Tumblr Magnets


Now, before I explain how I made these little gems, I need to be honest and say they are so easy that they don't really deserve their own post, but I was so happy with them that I just wanted to share them with you. Of course everyone has seen and heard of the Instagram magnets, and I love them as much as the next person but when I came across some magnetic printing paper in my house I wondered whether I would be able to have a go my self.

I logged into Tumblr and saved a few of my favourite pictures. I decided that I wanted the images to all be the same size, so I opened them in Photoshop and changed the image size to 10cm x 10cm. I inserted all of the images onto one word document which meant I didn't waste any paper. When I had printed them out I cut each image out carefully so that I didn't ruin the picture. That is literally how easy they were, and I am very happy with them indeed.

I have quite a long radiator in my room, so I chose to place them along this, and that way I can look at my favourite pictures from Tumblr every day! :-)
You could even give these as a present which is exactly what I am doing for my friend for her birthday, just choose images which suit them.

Hope you enjoyed my first (not very difficult) D.I.Y
Abbey x

Saturday 1 June 2013

I have a blog?!

I have a blog !?

It was only about a year ago that I myself discovered this whole blogging community, and I have to say, I fell in love.  People are free to express themselves and they can be who they want without being judged or told that they are wrong.

One of my main interests is fashion and beauty, and when I found that there was such a vast variety of beauty blogs, I became instantly hooked.  I've always been one to take inspiration from everything and everyone around me, and being surrounded by all of these amazing blogs, this inspiration has, and will carry on growing.

I decided that I wanted to try something a little bit different. I've come to learn that it is very important that we push our selves to try new things, step out of the ordinary, and just give things ago.
So, here I am.
I've never written a blog before so I know that I am probably going to find this quite challenging, but I have been thinking about it for a while and I think it's time I tried it myself.

Abbey, x